Thursday, March 17, 2016

Once,Twice, Three times

     As the moon arises and my day begins, a new start seems to be approaching---
As the moon arises and a new day begins, new birds seem to have their tune set---
As the moon arises and my day begins ,I find tolerance to be a bit hard to manage---
As the moon arises and my day begins, I remember that everyone else's thoughts seem to download a bit slower than my tolerance here, in my space-- 
     The moon arises and I get to wonder, "Is this really like in a professional level"? 
     As the moon arises and my thought's wonder, about business and it's wealth

     As the sun has set in a different place but the moon has rose on this day, I have to remember who is in charge!
Androids don't feel or think fast, Android's don't care of what a feeling might be like, Androids don't care if you lay in bed and a warrant is out for your arrest.
As the moon arises and the sun shines with it's heat with such fierce, One has to cover up and wonder why the sun got so hot!
As my day continues, I change my schedule to do random activities around the house, because it all matters what we do, even under the sun.
I pulled weeds out the front yard on this day
I went to my radiation treatment for the 26th time on this day
I ate a pancake in the morning and had two small bagels with ham on this day..
On this day I received a phone call that made me see professional's in a whole new way..on this day
     As the moon arises and the sun begins to set, I find myself in a shadowy state of mind that needs some classical music out loud to unwind---  

Saturday, February 27, 2016

     As the moon arises it set;s of to let the sun have it's light somewhere else where our beloved might live yet we must try and be greedy and so far apart of each other. Spending days still debating on what it is I will do if my shadow leaves me. 
     As the moon arises to set the sun free en un pueblo donde la rutina es de pocos. Pero porque es que estaremos tan lejos luna?
     Porque es que nos parecimos un otra jente y no nos hablamos sol? Entiendo el tipo que tendra que ser para poder llegar a la luna.
     As the sun shines it's light and gives it's energy of rays to the planet in which we might find ourselves in , we absorve the necessary heat needed for the moment.
     As the moon shines it's light at night I can't help to noticed that zebras are not running around thru Palmdale ,neither are hipopatumus in Lancaster, but as the moon shine's it;s light we might turn a different color just for that night... As The moon shine's it's light and see's what the sun has done to our skin, it might let us swim in bleached come smell in the air which troubles me and wants to scare me far, far, away... At the the daylight of my next thought I will let a mouse tell the tale of the woman that moved out from the shoe into a great huge waterfall sounding yard with lott's of flowers

     As the moon shine's for your eyes at night remember that it shines on mine too as I think of what else to do but think of you..